Collaborative Live forecast
Resource management
P&L operational planning
Performance benchmarking

Collaborative Live daily forecast

Your window into tomorrow and the days after, a reliable crystal ball to help you plan ahead..

PMI make it easier for people to work together more efficiently to perform at their best.

Live forecasts for all departments.

Move from deadline-driven reporting to online collaboration

Live daily rolling forecast to guide day-to-day resourcing.

Daily rolling forecast

The daily forecasting module is your window into tomorrow, and the days after, a reliable crystal ball to help you and your managers confidently plan your future revenue with confidence. Supplement your managers’ foresight with data-derived forecasts

Make changes on demand!

Ensure a focus on performance as a business strategy

Collaboration, coaching and alerts

Manage the most important cost drivers through accurate live forecasts.

Revenue Cost planning

Compile a coherent and bias-free P&L and targets in minutes.

P&L delivers key decision-making data in real time and seamlessly links operational tactics with financial plans.

Optimize profitability at target service levels.

Reduce cumbersome paperwork multiple spreadsheet versions, and manual errors.

Automated P&L compilation

P&L operational planning

Within minutes, your managers can put together a coherent and reliable P&L with sound, specific targets, free from gamesmanship. Made for hoteliers to act on and own, not controllers to keep score.

Fine-tune your P&L reporting for optimized performance.

Establish enterprise-wide financial accountability.

Make your goal, meet your goal!

P&L provides reliable insights and more accurate forecasts based on data from existing source systems.

Performance benchmarking

Compile a coherent and bias-free P&L and targets in minutes.

P&L delivers key decision-making data in real time and seamlessly links operational tactics with financial plans.

Enterprise consolidation and performance benchmarking.

Ensure a focus on performance as a business strategy.

Credible Data Means More Control.


With the touch of a button, you can compare your business with peers’ industry KPIs. Don’t get stuck in a rut, thinking. Learn better ways to do things and unleash collective wisdom among frontline managers.

Enterprise consolidation and performance benchmarking.

Compare revenue, productivity or GoGreen.

Make your goal, meet your goal!

P&L provides reliable insights and more accurate forecasts based on data from existing source systems.