Complimentary Breakfast seminar at Grand Hôtel, Stockholm, September 25, 2014

Hamburg-based RIMC Hotels & Resorts implements d2o's Productivity Management tool PMI in 16 of its hotels

Written by Eric Cevey

After working over 20 years in the hotel industry, and loving every second of it, I have gathered experience from all levels within a hotel organisation, starting at Front Office and working through every department up to General Manager.

September 17, 2014

September 17, 2014

Hotel room capacity is estimated to increase in the largest cities in Sweden within the nearest future.

Democratization of technologies makes price information easily available in real-time to all increasing price competition and causing booking curve to grow ever shorter and operating costs, especially for labor, are expected to steadily increase. Do not miss the opportunity to listen to a renowned subject matter expert and a proponent of productivity management in the hospitality business. Find out how you can make sure to maximize your business result and deliver profits under these new circumstances.

Click here for more info about the seminar as well as free registration!


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