
How do I know if the mapping is correct?

How do I know if the mapping is correct?

You can check in the Flash Report if the registered revenue on your trial balance corresponds to what is recorded in PMI. If you import the rooms forecast, you can check your original file with what is recorded in PMI on future dates in the Flash report or Live...

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How do I know where accounts should go in PMI?

How do I know where accounts should go in PMI?

All the revenue and statistical codes in your PMS should have a corresponding account in PMI. It is important to ensure revenues are going to the right revenue center and the correct segment. Trial Balance for Rooms should be mapped to the hotel and Total on segments....

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What is mapping accounts?

What is mapping accounts?

The Mapping module is where the revenue and occupancy data (room nights, guest nights, covers, etc.) from the various source systems is imported to PMI. Usually there is very little maintenance of this module except in cases involving: the first month of PMI usage....

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What are the KPI’s displaying?

What are the KPI’s displaying?

The KPI indicates how you are pacing MTD vs Forecast, Budget, and LY. The direction of the arrow shows the trend compared to last year. An arrow pointing upwards means that the KPI is performing better than last year and vice versa. A green arrow with a plus sign...

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What is Benchmarking?

What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking is a report listing the properties in your group (or the ones you have access to see), allowing you to compare (benchmark) your property’s revenues and productivity.

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