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GoGreen targets explanation

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What are the targets in GoGreen?

GoGreen cockpits and Planning pages show monthly target consumption values for all resources alongside forecast values. These monthly targets for each property are established to help the chain meet its long-term sustainability goals. They’re calculated using the Goal distribution tool and cannot be manually changed.


What is the purpose of a target?

Targets indicate what is required from each property to accomplish its yearly goals, as well as work towards the chain’s long-term sustainability objective to comply with national and international obligations. Targets serve as blueprints for reducing consumption. Forecasts provide a practical view of predicted outcomes based on past consumption patterns and are linked to financial forecasts and budgets. In contrast, targets are fixed goals for meeting the chain’s long-term objectives. To ensure targets are achieved, it’s essential to closely align forecasts with targets.


How are the targets calculated?

The Goal distribution tool breaks down the chain-level sustainability goal into specific goals for each property based on its consumption reduction potential. Factors, such as the size of the property and hotel activities (meetings & events, room and guest nights) and weather conditions are taken into consideration when setting the goals. These goals are further divided into yearly objectives, which are used to determine the monthly targets you see on the planning screen and in the cockpits.

The monthly targets consider seasonality effects, and factor in past over or under consumption to ensure each property successfully achieves its year-end objectives. This means that monthly targets may change based on your performance year to date.

Where can I see my target and goals in PMI?

Progress towards the target:

Within the PMI Learning screen, you can find the current month’s pace to target (A1) on the right-hand side. By choosing the dot icon below the screen, you can also see how your performance compares to the year-end goal for the current year, (A2) if your current pace continues.


Monthly objectives and reduction percentage:

To access the reduction percentage and monthly targets per Guest night or Total consumption, follow these steps:

1. Choose a full year in the date selector (B1).

2. Select Alignment analysis and Efficiency (B2).

3. Switch from graph view to table view (B3).

In the Target column (B4), you’ll find the total target for the selected period in the date selector, and the variance is displayed as a percentage, representing the reduction for that period.

Each row displays the monthly target, with historical months showing a zero, as they are recalculated. Only upcoming months show a variation, indicating the reduction needed per month to achieve the overall goal for the current year.